Stay protected and ensure long-term success.
This is your safety net against claims for bodily injury or property damage that might occur during your work. It covers legal fees and settlements.
This is essential for protecting your employees. If they get injured or fall ill while working, this coverage provides medical benefits and wage replacement, so they’re taken care of and you’re not facing hefty out-of-pocket costs.
It ensures you’re covered while on the road, transporting tools, or traveling to job sites protecting you against accidents or damages involving your business vehicles.
This helps protect your tools and equipment from theft, loss, or damage. Since these are often your lifeline for completing jobs, it’s crucial to keep them insured.
Also known as errors and omissions insurance, this protects you if a client claims that your work didn’t meet their expectations or if there were mistakes in your services.
If you’re working on a specific construction project, this coverage protects the building under construction from risks like fire, theft, or weather-related damage.
Contractors insurance appeals to a wide range of professions and individuals involved in the construction and contracting industry.
Our mission is to identify your business insurance needs according to its activities so you can concentrate on running your Company while we take care of your insurance.
Why pay more when CIS can help you save? Our expertise ensures that your business gets the coverage it needs while keeping your premiums low!
We understand that businesses face many risks and challenges, and we're here to help you identify and manage those risks.
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